Industry Placement Portal

Welcome to MyIP!  The Wayne Township Adult Education- Career Training Portal for Trades Students.

A required element of your successful completion and certification in this program is your industry field experience. These placement opportunities will give you actual experience in your industry field.  Students are required to complete a minimum of  eight (8) hours, while sixteen (16) hours are strongly encouraged. Failure to complete field experience will make you ineligible for program completion and certification.

This portal will take you through the documents necessary for field experience placement.

All requirements in this portal  must be complete NO LATER THAN WEEK #6.

REMINDER:  In some of these steps, you will be asked to upload various documents.  Please watch the video below to review how to do that.  If you would like printable instructions on how to upload documents, click here to print the instructions.


Course Information

Trades Placement Portal


General Documentation Industry

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